
Giving opportunity to the poorest
A charity in which personal friends are involved. Food for the Hungry works with churches, leaders and families to create solutions for ending world hunger.
This could mean short term relief or longer term investment in education, training and development of productive agricultural projects and local businesses.

From our good friend Ian
As a young child, I lived in Pakistan and saw, albeit at a distance, the impact of poverty. As part of working out my Christian faith, I have always been passionate about giving opportunity to the poorest.
Throughout my career, working for large multinational companies in finance, I’d held an ambition to retire early and become involved in international development. At the age of 55, it was possible to start drawing on my pension. Cash flow analysis by Beyond Finance gave me the confidence to retire and follow my heart.
I have now worked for the Christian international development charity, Food for the Hungry UK (FH), for 11 years, first as programme manager then as CEO. The organisation is focused on helping the poorest help themselves, supported by local FH staff from their own culture, so that change and development is locally led. I feel privileged to have supported local African and Asian Christians, who sacrificially serve some of the most vulnerable families and communities on the planet.
This work has also immeasurably helped in my own walk as a Christian. The support I received from Beyond Finance went beyond financial analysis and advice. The Beyond Finance Charitable Trust has been giving regular financial gifts for the work of FH, for which I am extremely grateful. The mission of this company truly extends ‘beyond finance’.
Ian Johnson, UK CEO of Food for the Hungry